
Correlating Adverse Drug Events Against Social Media Sentiment.

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About Claire

Claire is a product for Drug Manufacturing Marketers in addition to the general public. It is designed for web and mobile interfaces. The system correlates Adverse Events for Drugs, consumed from FDA data sources, to positive and negative sentiments expressed on Twitter for that Drug. The results are aggregated by Drug and Manufacturer, and displayed in user-friendly graphs. Claire may be used as an early warning system to:

Future of Claire

We have many more ideas to incorporate into Claire given more time. They include the following:

Check out our backlog and please contribute.

Our Process

We built this application in 3 two-day sprints, and a 15 minute scrum each morning. Considering the rapid turnaround for this project we relied heavily on our scrum board.

We chose to camp out in one of our war rooms for the week. Following our roots in agile, we strive on working close together being able to collaborate real-time.


We started prototypoing via whiteboard sketches then moved rapidly into wireframes. We then created our hi-fidelity mockups and was able to iterate on those also. After finalizing our design we then defined our styleguide which will assist with future development of this application.

Technology Stack & Architecture

Following our Interface Driven Development process we were able to rapidly decide on our stack and archietcture after visualizing our requirements.

Support or Contact

Questions or comments about Claire feel free to contact us at